Presentations + proposals don’t have to feel so hard.

Hire a coach to help elevate your work, your brand + your career

Choose the level of support that’s right for you.

  • Quick Huddle

    One hour: just you, me + the task at hand.

    For papers, presentations, personal branding + more, input from the outside can make the revision process more efficient + successful. In this one-time coaching session, I will help you identify where revisions are needed and give you frameworks for making impactful changes.

    Investment: $250

  • Game Plan

    Level-up your game with detailed feedback from an expert.

    In a series of 3 coaching sessions, I can not only help you identify areas for improvement + strategies for success, but also provide iterative feedback and suggestions throughout the revision process. This package is especially helpful for polishing + practicing oral presentations just-in-time.

    Investment: $675

  • Head Coach

    A trusted coach when you need one.

    Sometimes you have a professional goal in mind, but you are not sure the strategy you need to get there. Over a series of 6 coaching sessions, I will get to know you + your professional goals, help you formulate a communication strategy to achieve those goals, and coach you to a successful outcome.

    Investment: $1200

Price point feeling like a pain point?

I get it — I’ve been there! If you need help advancing your career, but aren’t sure you can afford it: reach out. Sliding scale pricing is available. Equity over equality.